"Once I asked Mother what the difference was between things boys were interested in and what girls were interested in. She said 'Oh, that's easy: boys are interested in things they think about, what they'll do when they grow up and how best to make a living' something to that effect, and 'Girls are interested in how they look and what ribbons'-- I'll never forget that!'--what ribbons they should wear and how to easily make a man think he can do those things that he's been thinking about' Well, that's it. And that's the way it was."
By 1970, Maclaine has earned three Oscar nominations, written a critically acclaimed autobiography (Don't Fall Off The Mountain), seen the world, been called a "kook" and served as a California delegate at the Chicago convention.
"But don't you remember any particularly good times with your family?" Dad asked.
"Well, that's an interesting question, " Maclaine said. "..( the other night while sharing childhood memories with her brother Warren Beatty) It was as though not only had we been brought up in two different families, but on two different planets! At one point in the evening I realised that everything Warren remembers are the good things, everything I remember are the tragic realities."
That night they watched the rushes from the previous day's shooting. "There was something very strange about sitting next to Shirley Maclaine and watching Shirley Maclaine watching Shirley Maclaine on the movie screen in front of us...And I had an insane impulse to ask Shirley Maclaine to hold hands."
After rushes they drove back to Maclaine's apartment for martinis, some talk of politics ( "We did a lot of crying in those days, It all revolved around Bobby Kennedy and how deeply we realised how much we had lost.") and then dinner prepared by Maclaine's friend and Girl Friday Lori Lee. Veal with wine sauce.
Dad writes: "I had a terrible time reminding myself that this wasn't just a dinner with an ordinary friend, but a candlelight dinner a deux with Shirley Maclaine."
He concludes: "I don't think Shirley Maclaine's unreal at all. Like Auntie Mame, she does say something very important, very subliminally to your seventh mind, perhaps, but she does say it!