Thursday, March 10, 2011

I Can Tell You're Looking At My Popo 1964

From a letter to Katherine Lansing Barney:

Dear Granny:

Please forgive me for being so tardy in relaying you our warmest wishes and love to you on your past 85th birthday. I was just thinking how little Saint won't reach his 85th until 2049! Since he is the only real news we have, I can tell you that he is busting with health --and fat, and that he is an unreasonably sweet child. Because Phoebe was not feeling well last week I took St. to the doctor for his regularly monthly check-up. When all the babies in the waiting room started crying little Saint fell asleep on my shoulder. And he slept the entire time until he was examined. And even then, stretched out naked on a cold table, he didn't cry. But his finest moment came when he was given a shot ( diphtheria, typhoid) he cried for a few seconds then smiled again. So we are all very proud of him--as are we all of you.
Our love to you and our sincere hopes we can see you before your next birthday.

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